One of Three

The sewing machine has been re-illuminated!  Finally I can get back to some patiently waiting projects.  This one is now quilted and is next to be bound.  It is slated for completion for the first Sunday of June.  The block has many names, one being “Fruits of the Spirit.”  I’m going with that name because this is a 36″ x 48″ banner for the church.  I am getting much smoother at stippling, only crossing a half dozen times.  The image shows some loose thread and pins, because the project is on the go.

FotS has a partner, “Garden of Eden” that I will post pictures of once I manage to get it quilted. This couple has eight siblings created by the quilting guild at the church.  They are all green, for ‘Ordinary Time’ and so lovely.  The women did a fantastic job.  I’ll post pictures of them all when they are dedicated the beginning of June.

The third project is a gift, so no pictures or even clues until it is received.  It is going so, so, sew well.  Then, and only then, will I start the next one.  Really.  I really will.